
Hot Air Balloons are good for Business and a great day out

One of the best ways to advertise your business is to use a Hot Air Balloon and is considered to be one of the fastest new forms of advertising.

A hot Air Balloon becomes a very mobile Billboard and can travel and is viewed over many miles by thousands of people.

Hot Air Balloons can provide a very dramatic and lasting impression on the consumer especially at Hot Air Balloon festivals as many are photographed and reported some are videoed and can be available on you tube and other internet video sites.

Specially designed Hot Air Balloons that have a funny shape or have a much known recognisable shape can be the most stunning advertising concepts. I was recently at a Hot Air Balloon show in Bristol UK and there was a vast array of different special shaped Hot Air Balloons.

It was great to see some shaped like Beer cans and others shaped like bottles of fizzy pop these forms of advertising can bring a big impact they can be seen over such a wide range of area and have a very lasting impression on the consumers.

A Hot Air Balloon travelling over a busy city centre is likely to catch the attention of over 90% of the people in the city this is a great medium and has chance of raising your company’s awareness providing a lasting with consumers that people remember long after the event has passed.

Having a Hot Air Balloon made for advertising, is not as expensive as people imagine compared to large TV ad champagne. It has a longer and more effective publicity as it can be flown most days in summer and brought and flown at Hot Air Balloon festivals.

Good photographs of your Hot air Balloon are very good for promotional pictures in your company’s literature and can enhance your marketing strategy. There are many forms of advertising and most cost serious money but sometimes you have to consider that using a Hot Air Balloon could be a cost effective method for your companies needs.

At most Hot air Balloon festivals most of the Hot air Balloons have now got advertising slogans on them or are shaped like a product. As these Hot Air Balloons drift across the sky producing and awe inspiring spectacle that emblazes your company logo in the sky.

Hot air Balloons are the original way man has learnt to fly and ever since the first Hot Air Balloons took to the sky they have always managed to stir something within us to look up into the sky and wonder.

A Hot Air Balloon ride is a excellent day out and well worth looking into but remember that safety is very important within this industry and what goes up will come down and having flown in a Hot Air Balloon then it does come down quite often with a bump even with the most experienced pilots.

Hot Air Balloons are great fun and gliding over the countryside silently looking down at the ground from an unusual angle often seeing familiar objects from a very different angle makes you realise how special a Hot Air Balloon flight can be.

Family Reunion T-shirts

Family reunions can be some of the greatest times for any family.  They bring together different generations and often people from all over the country.  T-shirts for these occasions is one of the most lasting if not best memories.  There are a few things that you should keep in mind when designing your family reunion t-shirt.  You want them to be something that can be cherished and worn by everyone in the family.

Keeping that in mind they should be unique to your family.  They should be fun and reminiscent of the good times not only at the family reunion, but of the family’s life as a whole.  Funny slogans, pictures, etc. are a great idea, but I at least recommend staying away from offensive things.  Remember everyone from the Ally’s new born to Great-Aunt Ellen will be wearing these.  So something PG but clever tends to be the way most people go.  I’ve seen everything from having a tree with names on it to picture of the oldest and younger people in the family superimposed on each other.

Whatever the case, I would urge you to make them your own.  These shirts will be worn by everyone in the family and are a representation of your family.  I know that I wear the t-shirt from my last family reunion all the time.

Another thing to think about is what kind of t-shirts you want to buy.  The truth on this one is that if you go with a good printer it won’t matter.  A good printer will more likely than not only offer high quality t-shirts.  Talk to them and they will let you know whether your individual situation lends itself better to a one hundred percent cotton or a 50/50 blend.

The last thing that you may want to consider is what you want to do as far as ink colors go.  The more colors the more expensive the t-shirts are invariably going to be.  Usually I recommend that you keep your t-shirt designs under three colors.  Just think, every color means a new screen and that has to get added into the cost.

So before your next family reunion, talk it over and get some t-shirts made.  If you are struggling to come up with a design, there are a few screen printers who offer free artwork.  When it’s all said and done, the thing to remember more than anything is that these are your family’s t-shirts.  They are unique and should be something you are proud to wear.

The Post-Modern Metaphysical Implications of Digital Printing on Screen Printing

If one were to make the bold assertion that the printing industry is dead and that our own thrift and drive towards perfection has killed it, than one must first consider what it means to be a dead industry.  For an industry to be dead, it must have been superseded by a newer and higher form of production.   The spinning wheel killed the hand weaving of yonder, and that was in turn done in by the invention of mechanical spinning wheels and so on and so forth.  The point is that although those industries try to carry on, they ultimately failed as our human spirit pushed off the shackles of conformity, tradition, and ignorance and reached forward out of the cave and into the light.

Many make the claim that this is what is happening to the screen printing industry of today.  I aim to demonstrate that although perhaps traditional screen printing won’t be done for ever, digital technology is not the revolution that makes traditional screen printing obsolete.  The fact of the matter is that digital printing is in its infancy and not going to overtake screen printing anytime soon.

The reasons for this edifying line of thought is that it choice brings along with it variety.  In existential way, our valuing choice and independence has given rise to the prodigious amount of variety that exists and has made this choice the ultimate good.  If everything is relative and nothing absolute, then the choices that arise give rise themselves to variety, the new ultimate good.  This ability to choose for ourselves ensures that screen printing isn’t going anywhere.  Because screen printing is still very cost efficient on order of twenty or more t-shirts, people will still choose to print in the traditional manner.  People shall still purchase them because they are of good quality and produced at a good price.

This revolution will not come because digital printing does not allow for the exponential increase in production sometimes associated with an increase in technology.  Once again our free will guarantees that screen printing is not leaving yet because people still save money on the t-shirts.  This extra money is often, although not necessarily correctly, linked to an increase in happiness which is the ultimate drive for the individual.  Thus one can see that the myriad of choices for printers helps in an economical way to give consumer choice and value which ultimately leads to their increased happiness all deriving from the ability to choose to use screen printers over digital printers.  Thus choosing a traditional screen printer will make you happier and is the obvious choice for large orders of t-shirts.

The Process Of Buying Artificial Trees Online

Using artificial trees is very easy, but buying them is easy too. Today they can be bought online, as most stores selling them having sites. You can place orders on these sites, and there will be photographs to choose from. By looking at these photographs, you will be able to decide what you do need without hopping from store to store. You can just access different sites and take your pick.

Artificial trees will be listed according to the variety, and there will be descriptions for the artificial trees as well. You will get all the fine details about the trees, the origin, how it is designed, with what material etc. This makes buying artificial trees very easy, as you will have a complete idea about the artificial trees. There are many established companies who are experts in artificial trees that you can choose from.

You will not be unhappy with the prices either, as they are all reasonable priced. Even if they are a little more than what you expect, try to accommodate it as you need not spend on real trees often. This will be a onetime investment for beautifying the environment of your choice. There will be codes mentioned for each creation, so all you need to do is mention the code for delivery.

Payment options are easy as well, and once you order them then they will be delivered to you. You can also take a look at all the artificial trees that are the most popular, and being sold the most. One advantage of buying these artificial trees through this method is that a lot of offers can be grabbed. With the use and also purchase very easy, this is all the more reason to use artificial trees. There will be no need to worry about maintenance.

A lot of people may want the traditional feel, of cutting trees, pulling them from the lot and dragging it home. But this is a better option to choose, as it is simpler and also worth the money. You will not be ruining your neighborhood as well. Besides keeping the surroundings green, you can enhance the beauty of the home with artificial trees.

And ordering them online has made the situation even easier for everyone. You may miss out on the lovely smells emanating from the real trees, but compromising on one or two things will do you no harm. You are anyway keeping your neighborhood lovely by not cutting down trees. With the use of artificial trees, you will not need to worry about the wood catching fire.

Market Trends Offer New Path to Financial Freedom

With the specter of an economic downturn - and possibly a recession - clearly on the horizon, it's understandable that people are anxious about their financial security and that of their family members. As the rates of unemployment tick upwards, people begin to wonder whether or not their jobs are secure and, if not, what they can do to protect themselves and their families. As a result, there is increasing urgency to look at market trends and find the best path to independence and financial freedom.

To this end, many people are looking for ways to earn a second income, or to lay the foundation for a fallback plan should they lose their primary source of income. Others have decided that their future financial prospects are bleak, and that they need to embrace an opportunity that will enable them to get back on their feet. Still others have ridden the wave of past market trends and have found financial success, and are ready to jump on board the next opportunity that will enable them to reap tremendous rewards - in the form of residual income - over the years to come.

High Demand Services

Success with any opportunity - whether it is related to cause marketing or is a home business - is predicated upon the need for high demand services. These are services that will be necessary even in the face of an economic downturn or recession. Just as electricity, natural gas, and telephone services were the "must-haves" of decades past, the high demand services of today and tomorrow revolve around technology. Specifically, the high demand services will be those that counteract the deleterious effects of the Information Age - namely identity theft and computer problems.

It's inarguable that identity theft is a serious problem; after all, more than thirty people have their identities stolen every minute. And, while personal computer ownership is at an all-time high, most people simply don't know how to keep their personal computers safe and secure. Services that will take care of each of those problems are positioned to rack up unprecedented sales in the months and years to come - regardless of the state of the economy. Indeed, as more people rely on computers and the Internet to earn their livings, their need for such services exponentially increases.

Best Chances of Success

The people who are best positioned to reap financial rewards from these market trends come from a variety of backgrounds. For example, information services professionals and hobbyists would do well, as would those with experience in sales and marketing. Those people who already own a sole proprietorship could easily add these kinds of products to their websites and begin earning immediate and residual information.

Where to Look

If you're interested in taking advantage of the latest market trends, you need to partner with a company who is as eager for you to attain your goal of financial freedom as you are. To that end, select a company that has a proven track record, has a generous compensation plan, and that can provide you with a turnkey business system. When you do, you can help protect your personal finances from the economic ebb, while positioning yourself for true wealth.

Global Resorts Network (GRN) Issuing checks of $80,000

Brent Conrad with could not agree more and is in full force to help as many people as possible.

Brent Conrad states, my girlfriend and I initially joined up and bought a membership so that we could go to cabo san lucas for $598.00 for eight days and seven nights! After we saw the value and saved over $1,500 on our first trip we were ecstatic to say the least. It was so easy to talk with people about the membership and how much they could save and all the exotic places all over the globe they could visit, that we started letting other people in on the Private Lifetime Membership secret that we knew about. Brent Conrad with and the help of Global Resorts Network (GRN),  soon started receiving checks in the mail for amounts that it would take a normal corporate job 3-4 months to make.

What is your dream job? How often would you like to travel? Do you really feel like wearing a suit for the rest of your life? Would you like to spend ore time with your family?  These are some of the questions that you need to be asking yourself when it comes to making a decision about joining the team of Success. Some members have reported receiving checks over $80,000! Can you imagine making more in one month that 95% of the average American family makes in a whole year?  We can, states Brent Conrad with .  With this opportunity you can really work as little or much as you want to. The desired success is completely up to you, not some big headed boss in his $99 dollar corporate bought chair in a corner office. And guess what, you decide how long to work. You can not get fired because you are your own boss. The freedom of this business is unbelievable. Brent Conrad States that he has never seen so many people make so much money so fast. He contributes this to Global Resorts Network (GRN) founders Al Morales and Chuck Tomlinson that are always in the mix and are on almost all of the daily conference calls. They do not just sit back and relax and collect a check. They care about this company and want it to be here for your kids kids.

Brent Conrad states, I want to be a millionaire by 2009 and I can almost reach out and grab it. He believes that everyone should right down their goals. There should never be a limit on high you can dream.

( article was published using Article Submitter)

Office Buildings: Owners Using New Warning System

In light of terrorist attacks, anthrax scares and similar threats, office building owners are now faced with a daunting task - keeping their buildings safe and secure.

As today's offenders become more sophisticated, it is crucial to consider different emergency scenarios and implement effective procedures in order to remain safe.

Simple measures, such as installing more fire alarms and surveillance cameras, incorporating metal detectors and directing emergency evacuation drills help keep buildings safe.

However, many experts are still finding gaps in guidelines and procedures, especially when it comes to communicating with building occupants and emergency responders.

Since lines of communication can be lost during an emergency, building managers are increasingly adopting an innovative new alert system called the Immediate Response Information System, or IRIS.

Developed by TechRadium Inc., IRIS is a state-of-the-art, high-speed response system that sends emergency messages to thousands of people at a time.

Using any phone or Internet-connected computer, a designated individual sends a message in both voice and text format. IRIS then transmits the message to building managers, occupants and emergency responders. Within seconds, the system sends the alert through a variety of frequently used electronic devices: home and cell phones, e-mail accounts, pagers, fax machines and PDAs.

Users can pre-select any of the 10 language options. IRIS repeats transmissions to individuals until their message is received.

As a communication alert system, IRIS also is capable of sending important non-emergency information, such as building maintenance plans and adverse weather condition reports.

CD Replication: An Affordable Way to Get Your Voice Heard

Whether you're a motivational speaker in search of an audience, a musician in search of a recording label, or a company in search of customers, using CDs or DVDs is an extremely effective means of communicating your message. Marketing and advertising professionals understand the power of audio and video to leave a lasting impression, and frequently insert CDs or DVDs into mass mailings, magazine polybags, and press kits. They know something that those who are just making a name for themselves aren't aware of: CD duplication and DVD replication isn't as expensive as it might seem.

Whether you're putting together your own press mailing, developing a demo CD to send to movers and shakers, wish to sell video of your performance, or want to showcase your products and services, you can add an extra touch of professionalism by working with a company that specializes in CD and DVD duplication. When it comes to cost, it works like other forms of printing: the higher the quantity, the lower the per-piece price.

For example, if you want to produce a CD in a printed cardboard sleeve, you could get 1,000 made for about a dollar a piece. Up the quantity to 10,000, and the price drops to around 56 cents a piece. This price typically includes replicated discs with full-color offset or silkscreen printing, a printed cardboard sleeve, insertion, and shrinkwrap.

Bulk quantities of CDs and DVDs are even less expensive. One thousand CDs run only about 45 cents each, while DVDs are priced as low as $650 per thousand, or 65 cents per DVD. As for packaging, a printed paper sleeve adds only about seven cents per CD or DVD, while a jewel case is about 20 cents per case.

DVD box packaging is also an option at around $1.20 per DVD for 1,000, and about 67 cents per piece for 10,000. This kind of replication and packaging typically includes printing, a full-color case wrap, assembly, and overwrap. A top spine label generally costs a few cents more.

If you're planning to do a mailing, you can use a CD replication service that will duplicate your CD, then insert it into a cardboard mailer and shrinkwrap it. Pricing for the replicated discs and mailers runs about $1.60 each for 1,000, or about 50 cents each for 10,000.

If you want to go the extra step and take advantage of cutting-edge technology, the best DVD and CD duplication services have products like FlexDVD, which is a DVD that can bend without snapping or cracking. This is perfect for cover mounting and mass mailings. Another new and intriguing technology is called "Rub 'n Smell," whereby a scent is embedded into a varnish that covers the printed side of the disc and is activated when the recipient rubs the disc's label. Now, that's the sweet smell of success!

The bottom line, though, is that whether you're marketing yourself or your business, you can take advantage of the same techniques that huge marketing firms use - without breaking the bank.

When will the Reverse Funnel System End?

Infinite… timeless… the reverse funnel system is a system, like a corporation, it is not dependant on one person or one product.  Currently the reverse funnel system is linked to GRN, Global Resorts Network, but since it is a system it can be applied to any product and any company.

If GRN disappears the reverse funnel system will still be thriving and ready to link to another source of income that may work better than GRN does now, although GRN was chosen for a specific reason and has been fulfilling the dreams of all those involved in the reverse funnel system the reverse funnel system is in no way dependant on GRN.

In fact all the reverse funnel system is…is an automated sales process that closes people into your business for you automatically.  Ty Coughlin and the inner circle hired VERY expensive copy writers, and web conversion experts to design the system.  And after a few months of running it the results have spoke for themselves.  The Reverse Funnel System is producing 30-40% conversion rates.  THAT is amazing.

So if GRN was ever not producing for the reverse funnel system as it should be than the system could simply be transferred to another company that could provide more for those of us who have become a part the reverse funnel system.

That is why the reverse funnel system is so amazing.  It has everything to offer and very little to hurt you on.  The biggest aspect of the reverse funnel system is that you must be delivering traffic into the system consistently… It has such high conversion rates this is not a problem but if the traffic is not sent to through the system then there will be no conversions and you will not see money.

So have no fear for the future of the reverse funnel system… it is here to stay and here to grow.  Those who want to get involved early while the income potential can still reach six figures a month I expect you act fast.  Because soon enough there will be many people driving traffic to their own individual funnels.

All the best and lets make some CASH!