
Do you make this mistake in dropshipping?

It is a great temptation to display on your website a wide selection of products as it increases your chances to sell more products. But it can result in your customer’s complete dissatisfaction once you fail to fulfill most of approved orders.

As I know from my experience it happens quite regularly – a buyer places an order for 3-5 items, you check that with the merchant and discover that they have just 1-2 available form the entire order. You contact your buyer, apologize and say that you can fulfill just a part of his order offering him to choose replacement products or a partial refund.

THE BUYER WILL CANCEL THE ORDER IN 80% CASES. And will never visit to your website again. And will share his miserable experience with his family, co-workers, neighbors and everyone he knows.

With dropshipping, your relations with merchants are probably the key element to your failure or success. You should at least weekly (preferably daily) get their updated catalogs of the products they have in stock and update accordingly offers displayed at your website. For that you need:

- great relations with the merchant who will accept your request to daily e-mail you the stock list

- properly designed backend of your website that will make changes to the stock in minutes, not hours independently of the number of SKU’s.

Yes, promotion, product selection and prices are of great importance, but if you can’t fulfill the order then those two steps are useless – you do a lot of work, invest your time and money and then you discover that the merchant is out of stock of this product.

How to discover those great dropship merchants that will help you to run your stock properly updated? Firstly you need prescreened merchants (it is no secret that there is so much scam in this industry). This is why I recommend investing some money into dropship directories that do the work for you:

OneSource - dropship directory. FREE preview & video

Doba - 250,000 products to sell. FREE 7-day trial

SaleHoo - over 150 product categories. FREE tour & member forum

Real dropshippers REVEALED

Over 700,000 Products to choose from. FREE trial

See the detailed real dropshippers directories compared here.

Summary: fulfillment in dropshipping is as important as promotion, product selection and prices. In my opinion you should run your dropship business relying on the available product stock as a starting point. Once you are certain you have designed a system and relations to keep all offers on your website current you should move to the promotion and discussing the prices with the merchant.

Are you ready to change your way of life

Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed

Read this article before you consider paying for a "get rich quick" program.


Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high - traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!

Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!

To Your Online Success,

Panama Due Diligence Investigations

Introduction - Our law firm gets contacted by people frequently who are interested in investing money into some project or with some entity in Panama. The question they have is how do they know the credibility of the people or entity they are investing their hard earned money with. We can help with these problems by conducting a due diligence investigation for you before you invest any money.

Due Diligence - If the people you are investing money with are real they should be able to provide some basic information like licenses, corporate filings etc. We can verify these in the Panama Public Registry. If you are buying something involving title we can verify that the title is clear and free of encumbrances and any taxes due are paid current. We can verify that a corporation or foundation is filed registered in the public registry and the taxes and fees are current thus ensuring it is in good standing with the government. We can check to see if there are any lawsuits on file for the persons or entities in question and if these are current or old lawsuits and the nature of the suits, parties involved etc. There are a number of things we could do to ensure you really know what you are getting into.

Physical Location - We can have someone go to the provided office address for the entity you are concerned about. We can determine if it is a mail drop, virtual office or a real office. We can also find out if there is staff working there or just a single office worker answering the phone and signing for packages. A picture of the building and the office from outside showing what name(s) are on the door can help. Many who say they are in Panama may not really be here after all.

Contracts - We can read a contract and advise you of our thoughts paragraph by paragraph with suggestions or better yet write one on your behalf to protect your interests. We can determine if the contract is one that needs to be in Spanish (additional certified Translations are available) and filed in a government registry or with a government agency to ensure the contract is enforceable.

Panama Lease Rental Agreements - We can first of all determine if the party you are intending to lease from has the legal right to lease you the property. There are a lot of scams like this going on with people taking advantage of foreigners. Then we can review and negotiate the rental agreement for you. We would also make sure a copy in Spanish is recorded with the housing ministry along with any security deposit. If the person who rented you the property has no legal right to do so you may find yourself facing a fast and speedy eviction since you are essentially a squatter. If you buy stolen property unknowingly it can still be taken away from you as stolen property, same concept here.

Panama Real Estate Purchase - We can do a complete due diligence on the property with clear title check. We start with the pre-purchase deposit agreement and follow through until the close of escrow. We can assist with a real solid appraisal, mortgage, dealing with brokers on both sides, the escrow, the title and recording of the change in ownership. We are also very good with asset protection for your real estate. See our real estate section.

Instant Income with Road Map to Riches

Our unique "Sales Center" system allows you to capitalize on the Massive Growth that R2R is now experiencing. The company has already proven to create Six to Seven Figure Incomes in less than 3 months.

Ordinary people are achieving extraordinary incomes in record time through the combined power of duplication and leverage.

People in Home Businesses have been trying to create systems to FACILITATE the selling process. Telling you join here, and you don’t have to do any selling. Then they sell you a website that they say will take your orders for you. But you know almost every time, someone has to contact them and ask them for the money! I call that person a salesman, because that’s what salesmen do - Ask for the Money! Then WHY do they say this? Because, they know that 95% of people don’t like to sell, or simply aren’t comfortable with selling.

They want you to believe you don’t have to with their self replicating websites, online movies, and conference rooms, but these systems only take you so far. Ultimately, you will still have to talk to people and close the sale if you want to make money with any other system. Very few People will send in money after only viewing a website, listening to a conference call, or listening to a online audio message. They need to talk to a live person first! That person is your personal Sales Representative at the Roadmap To Riches Sales Center!

Frank Thomas as been heavily involved with advertising in the offline business world for 14 years . He has however bee closely affiliated with internet marketing since 1998, teaching and helping  fellow  marketers how to apply his innovative brand of "guerrilla advertising". His desire to see others succeed has propulsed  him into the ranks of some of the best known mentors in the industry. For more:

Numerous Chinese Toy Recalls, So Who Is Really To Blame

In its quest for lower and lower priced imports it was inevitable that the US would fall victim to Chinese companies who would attempt to cut corners to deliver these products to our shores at prices we would find pallatable.  Our mantra "Cheaper is better" might be coming back to haunt us as our offshore manufacturing partners search for the means to shave tenths of pennies from already staggeringly low prices.  In lands where finished goods often sell for less than we can purchase the underlying commodities (the paper and paint etc.) much of this magic may soon be exposed for what it is - cutting corners and outright cheating, often to enhance profits, while often just to stay in business.

But the finger should not be pointed squarely in the direction of Asia.   All the parties must look past the greedy motives and reach a solution that benefits everyone, from workers, to manufacturer, through wholesale and retail channels, and ultimately to the consumer.  United States importers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers should take a long hard look up and down the supply chain and understand that everyone must profit fairly so that a balance can be maintained that is sustainable for the long term.  And this includes the factory worker who is often overworked, is underpaid, is often  exposed to toxins, and is forced to live in filthy conditions of poverty and squallor.

In the wake of recent recalls due to "lead-based" paints and serious design flaws, David Chiu, chairman of the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprise Progress and Investment Association, urged international importers to throw Chinese manufacturers a lifeline by not demanding the lowest price for their goods.  The recent scandal involving tainted paint used in the manufacture of Mattel toys and the tragic death of Cheung Shu-hung, who committed suicide after the scandal broke, has brought sharp focus on the issues of quality control and safety standards, and has cast a questioning spotlight on "Cheaper is better".

But todays events are yet another stark reminder that history repeats itself, as those who remember the Japanese production boom after shock waves from the second world war had subsided can attest to.  In the 1950s and 1960s the Japanese were well known for pumping out extraordinary numbers of inexpensive goods, and "made in Japan" was equated with "inferior quality" and sometimes even with "hazardous to your health".  As the Japanese economic situation matured and lifestyles improved, so did manufacturing quality.  Today the Japanese produce many of the worlds finest quality goods, albeit with a slightly higher price tag.  Perhaps this should remind us all that ultimately "You get what you pay for".

How To Use Your Right Brain When You Cold Call – Unlock the power of your right brain for cold calling success!

Do you struggle with the process of cold calling? For many of us, it’s a grueling experience. That’s because we try to carry on a conversation from a rigid, linear place. We’re trying to follow a strategy or a script.

Thus, when it comes to having a relaxed and enjoyable cold calling conversation, it just doesn’t work very well.

Our "right brain" is very different from step-by-step, logical, linear processes. It’s organic and intuitive. The right brain is all about things like speech and relationships.

So why do we turn off this very skilled part of ourselves when we’re doing exactly that in cold calling -- having conversations and engaging in some kind of relationship with a fellow human? Well, we’ve been trained out of it. We’ve lost the normal flow of our intuitive, right brain abilities in cold calling. We’ve swapped it for sales scripts and strategies, opening and closing "lines."

In some ways, you could say that we’ve become less human in our cold calling. All the intuitive elements have been taken out of the cold calling process. We’re focused on the sale, not on the person. We’re reading a script rather than really talking. We’re making a pitch, not listening.

Doesn’t this sound kind of like a game to you? Make a pitch, counter objections, and offer a closing line -- all with the intention of acquiring a sale. This is why most of us associate cold calling with the worst of what selling is all about. It’s the "going to war" concept. You put on your armor and play a mind-and-word game with someone you’ve never met.

On the other hand, what if we engaged the power of our right brain to bring us out of that place into real person-to-person contact?  What would happen? Well, the first thing is that you would relax. Your right brain is more interested in the experience than in the goal. You would find yourself less rigid and less tense. Your cold calling speaking voice will have less of that telltale "salesperson" tone. You’ll feel more normal, speak more easily, and let a conversation move at its own pace and focus.

When you do this, others respond to you more naturally because they won’t feel chased. Many people really do genuinely enjoy the opportunity for pleasant connection, whether interested in buying or not.

Here are six keys to adjusting your mindset to tap into the power of your right brain when cold calling:

1. The right brain is interested in process, not outcomes.

Before you make a cold call, make sure your focus isn’t on making the sale. That’s the goal. Putting all of your focus on a goal sabotages your enjoyment of the process itself. Therefore, think to yourself, "My goal is not to make the sale but to create a conversation based on how I can help the other person."

2. The right brain is intuitive, not calculating or manipulative

When you’re making your cold call, avoid changing whom you are in order to secure the sale. Be your everyday relaxed self -- as if you’re calling a friend. There’s no need to be "on stage" or artificially enthusiastic.

The right brain is genuine, normal, relaxed, and decidedly non-artificial.

This is a great way to be when talking with potential clients. People know when you’re being genuine and when you’re not. Thus, they always respond much more positively to someone who’s being "real."

3. The right brain is flexible rather than linear

Throw out your linear sales script and strategies. Generate a spontaneous conversation based on the problems you can help the other person solve. Allow your cold calling conversations to "breathe." Allow the topic to wander a bit from time to time.

4. The right brain sees things holistically

View the person you’re calling as another person, not a "prospect." Let go of the "buyer-seller" mentality. You are not wanting to "get" a sale from somebody. Your focus is on the bigger picture, which includes the wellbeing of your prospect as well as yourself.

5. The right brain is open-ended, not rigid

Don’t worry about driving the cold calling conversation forward. Instead, open your call with a statement that focuses on a problem you can solve and invites a response like, "What do you mean?" or "Tell me more."

When you start tapping into the power of your right brain while cold calling, you’ll start to have fun. You’ll be amazed at how people respond to you. What’s more, at the end of the day you won’t be burned out. You’ll be energized and truly happy.

This is the power of your right brain.

5 Super Wealth-Building Tips Pave the Way to Financial Freedom

There are so many things involved with building wealth that it would take much more than one article to explain it all. So, we've put together a simple five-step guide to help you get a great start in building wealth for a lifetime.

Step 1: Set Specific Goals

Goal setting is a task that can be easily put off - especially when you are extremely busy in day-to-day activities. However, goal setting is the first and one of the most important steps you'll take to achieve wealth. Set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals may be daily, weekly and monthly goals. These should reveal where you would like to be financially by a certain time in the near future.

Long-term goals include the amount of wealth you would like to accumulate within a year, two years, or maybe even five or ten years. Both types of goals are necessary to build wealth. Without goals, you are wondering blindly with no care or thought of what's ahead. This pattern of life is sure to leave you empty-handed!

Step 2: Create a Business Plan

Every successful business from the past and today started with a plan. Your business plan should illustrate where you are now, where you plan to be in the future, and how you're going to get there. Write these few notes down on paper. Then, fill in the blanks to create a rough business plan. It's easier than you think.

*Your current income

*Business profits and expenses (if you already own a business)

*Business budget (or personal budget if working for someone else)

*Capital needed upfront to promote and operate business

*Plans to acquire the capital needed (source of capital)

*Spending plan (promotions, supplies, inventory, online expenses, etc.)

*Expectations (What results do you expect from your initial efforts?)

Creating a business plan is a necessary step to build wealth through your own business. Even if you don't own a business, you should write down a similar plan to reach your personal wealth goals.

Step 3: Avoid Harmful Debt

Debt is the one of the key reasons many people never accumulate wealth. But remember, there are two types of debt: harmful debt and necessary debt. Harmful debt is the debt you create for things you do not need such as excessive shopping, luxury items, expensive cars that you can't afford, etc. Necessary debt is a debt most people must have to live, such as a mortgage, car loan (affordable), medical, college, etc. These debts are a part of life for most families and will be for many, many years. However, even these types of debts should be kept well within your income limitations. If you can only afford a $250/month car loan, then shop around until you find one at this price. Don't give in to the temptations and pressures to buy the fancier, more expensive car with a $450/month payment. It's not worth the risk!

You may ask, "I thought these steps were for building wealth?"

As it happens, debt is the opposite of wealth.  The more debt you have, the less wealth you will accumulate. You can't save money or invest money that belongs to someone else. If you earn $3,000 in income this month, but owe $2,000 in loans (before everyday living expenses), you can't possibly have extra money to save. You must either earn more or sell some items to pay off your debt. You should avoid this "debt trap" if you intend on building wealth for the future.

Another type of debt is one for your business. You may take out a small business loan to get things started or to promote your business. If you are uncertain about whether the business will bring profits, try to avoid business debt until you have tested it a while.

Step 4: Develop a Personal Plan

Above, you developed a business plan. Now it's time to create a personal plan. What tasks will you do daily to build wealth? Put yourself on a schedule and a strict budget. Work toward your goals daily by making a list of things to do and marking off each item on the list as you complete the tasks. In your budgeting, include a set amount of money you will put away in savings (savings account, IRA, stocks, bonds, etc.) If you plan to invest, be sure to diversify your investments. Choose only one or two high-risk investments and several "safer" investments such as mutual funds or bonds.

Step 5: Stay focused on the Goal, not the Circumstances

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, keep your eyes on the wealth-building goal ahead. Even if sales are down in your business, don't stop dead in your tracks. Remember, businesses have ups and downs. If you remain steadfast toward your goal during the slow times, the busy times are bound to be much better than ever. Your income will grow and you will have the extra money needed to reach your wealth-building goals.

In a nutshell, building wealth does not happen over night with one get-rich-quick program. It happens with consistent labor toward the goals and tasks you have created. You can build wealth for your future if you do not waver from these basic truths that have worked for millions of others!

Generation Y’s At Work San Diego’s Search Engine Entrepreneurs

October 2, 2007. It’s a typical day at SEOhaus in the largest office located within the company’s 1400sqft. space, employees sit in a semi-circle around a cordless speaker phone.

"We need to really focus on improving our PR," a client says, his voice on speaker phone audible throughout the room.

"We can do that," one of the employees says, glancing down at the yellow legal pad on her lap. "Let’s come up with a solution."

Ten minutes later, when the meeting ends, the employees disperse to their respective offices, and the company’s owners, William Senn, 26, and William Canu, 25, take a short break from their hectic work schedules to share what it’s like being an entrepreneur under 30.

"We’re growing so fast," Canu says, leaning back in his office chair and glancing over his shoulder at the busy traffic below on Kettner Blvd. "It’s amazing."

The two Williams, who started SEOhaus from the proceeds of their last business venture's mail-order DVD rental service, have seen their company grow from a single room with two employees (themselves) to a small business with approximately ten full-time employees and growing. Next week, the company will move to a much larger office suite down the hall.

"We’re excited," says Senn, a former Google employee." The walls of the new office are being painted right now, and it (the move) is starting to feel official."

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about the art of achieving increased traffic, presence, and page rankings (i.e. higher search results) for a website, and this is achieved by a variety of different methods, including, but not limited to: building links, writing and marketing SEO content articles, social bookmarking, and web design.

"SEOhaus is a boutique firm," Senn explains, "We specialize in customized services, and our employees are very good at what they do."

SEOhaus and it’s twenty-something owners, represent a growing trend in American business: young entrepreneurs making an impact in their respective industries and developing successful businesses before their 30th birthday.

Their generation, known as Generation Y (1981-1995) is a generation of young entrepreneurs. The online publication recently released the list of the "thirty coolest entrepreneurs under thirty," profiling individuals who began their own companies---some while still living in their parent’s houses, and have seen them grow exponentially in only a few short years.

The passion for graphic arts

Many people love what they do. I would like to talk about the passion for graphic arts. The persons who have worked for many years in the printing industry, the persons who had professional achievements in graphic arts certainly became fascinated by this field.

You can feel how passion envelops you when you start liking it: the smell of printing ink, the smell of glue in the folding box gluing machine, the sound of cylinders of printing presses, the sound of die-cutters.

You see an offer for a sheetfed printing machine and you remember how printers beat the sheets to prepare them for printing, how they adjust the inking with the help of ink level control devices for ink units, how they check the colour density of the raster.

When graphic arts are your life, you can read one of the many online books thinking how it would look like if it were a printed book. The cover would be laminated, bright or matt, or it could be UV varnished. You would feel the smell of the heated adhesive of the book back gluing and back lining machines, you would see how the folding machine brings the large printing sheets to the small book format, you would feel the smell of fresh print when you browse through a book that has just been taken out of the production line.

You go to the supermarket and while you put the products in the shopping basket you lean to read the label of the jam jar. You look carefully to see if it is printed only with process colours: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black  and you wonder whether it is varnished or not. Is it flexographic or offset printing? How many colour groups had the printing machine? Was the ink ecologic or not?

In the morning, you buy a newspaper to read. You are immersed in the titles of articles, but after some pages, your fingers turn black. You are fascinated by the smell of fresh print, but some questions spin in your head. What type of ink did the persons who printed the newspaper use? Was the web press of coldset or heatset type?

You receive the phone bill at home and you notice every time how exquisitely is the logo of the phone company printed. How beautiful the printing is! What is the contribution of the printer and of the machine for printing envelopes?  The label is printed so beautifully so that you get easier over the value of the invoice in the envelope even if it is quite high.

When you buy a pack of medicines from the drugstore you can notice the metallic foil applied on the box and you remember the equipment that did it, you can hear the noise made by the die-cutting equipment, you can see the boxes on the band in the gluing machine.

You receive a magazine advertising several products at promotional prices and you notice that the raster is a bit loaded and the pictures are not clear enough. You wonder if it is due to the pre-press when files were processed or something happened in the printing press.

All these mean passion, being committed to the printing field. You start liking the printing industry so much that you want to share the feeling with other people. How could you do this better than via the internet?

What if it is a virtual world, what if you see a picture or some details from a printing press? You can still feel the smell of ink.