
How to Use E-Mail "Cold Calls" Without Falling into the SPAM Trap!

"Spammers have just about destroyed e-mail as a legitimate selling tool, but there are still ways you can use it to open communication rather than shutting it down right off the bat. E-mail is still a totally appropriate way of communicating with someone -- as long as you use language that doesn't trigger the "salesperson" stereotype."

First, we'll take a close look at one example of a "cold introduction" e-mail that uses the traditional sales mindset.

Then we'll apply the Unlock The Game™ mindset so you can get an idea of how to create e-mails that won't trigger the negative "salesperson," or even "spamming salesperson," stereotype.

On the surface, it looks innocent enough, but take a moment and ask yourself what your instant reaction would be if it arrived in your e-mail box.

The problem is that this message violates the core principles of the Unlock The Game™ mindset by creating the impression that the sender's only concern is making a sale. How?

There is a better way.

Here's the same e-mail, but rewritten from the Unlock The Game™ mindset.

How do you think you would react if you received this e-mail?

Perhaps you would give a sigh of relief because you wouldn't be feeling any sales pressure from this stranger you've never met.

This example shows that, even though e-mail is basically an impersonal one-way form of communicating, the Unlock The Game™ mindset can humanize the connection.

When you give prospects a chance to respond to your request for help, you increase the possibilities for two-way communication and trust-building.

"Always pay attention to how words and phrases that are typical of the traditional selling mindset can make you come across as a spammer," I told Janice.

You might want to start reviewing your e-mails to prospects.

Does your message focus on discussing you and your solution, instead of your prospects' issues or problems?

If you start to rethink and change your language, you may find yourself with more sales than you thought possible.

The basic principle is simple: Avoid self-sabotaging sales language.

A few weeks later, Janice reported back to me that she had been getting much more favorable responses, leading to more phone conversations with new prospects.

Try it yourself -- and do let me know how it goes.

Getting in the Door: How I got my first Recruiting Job in Boston

The year 2005 must have been a slow one for recruiting agencies; at least it felt that way as I stumbled from interview to interview never quite landing the job. I don’t know why I suddenly decided to quit my sales job and become a recruiter, its just like a childhood dream that you never quite knew about that suddenly awakes and throws you into something interesting.

My first encounter with a staffing agency had been in 2004, specifically with Creative Financial Staffing in Boston. A buddy of mine facilitated the hire that ended 3 week later with a pleasant “they will not be requiring your services” phone call from the recruiter. Apparently, I had dug up some really nasty collections issue that the supervisor did not want revealed (true story confirmed by insider).

So fast forward to 2005…

The summer was hot, maybe because I was running around in a nice suite from agency to agency trying to build a case why a young hard working graduate from Brandeis is a good bet. Yet I kept falling on my face. My Dad had bought me a really nice suit to help me out, but it just wasn’t doing it for me.

I interviewed with Robert Half, where the manager was the biggest ass you will ever meet, his name was Luke and he later became the division head of that great company. He told me I was a job hopper and that if I could hold on somewhere for more then a year to call him back. I actually did. This was just out of curiosity, by that time I had 35 people billing for me and had absolutely no desire to ever join Robert Half. But I digress…

I interviewed at Winter& Wyman in Waltham(later they tried to directly recruit me) then I went across the street to Sullivan & Cogliano. Undeterred, I interviewed at KNF&T in Boston, what amazed me about that company was the utter lack of men… anywhere. I managed to sneak into Sapphire for an unrelated job and tried to sell myself to the technical recruiter there by telling her that what I really wanted was “ to do what you do”. That must have freaked her out, recruiting being the competitive kill or be killed that it is J.

Then there was Maxim Staffing, they had a hole in the wall office, then to Apex Systems, better office still no offer. There was Ascent Consulting and lunch with my Dad who works in the same office park…. Then Resource Options in Needham, the way they described who they placed really turned me off.

I even interviewed at Time Warner for a collections job! Now I hate collections and anything to do with accounting and cubicle desk jobs, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures! I went to, a reputable startup thinking they might take me for a sales guy, but alas, I didn’t come across as one.

And finally, when I despaired, and decided that maybe the world of recruiting had turned really was not for me, I interviewed at Total Technical Services in Waltham. I thought the interview went well, but just in case, I got myself a server job at the local Ground Round. This was something I wanted to do anyhow, just to level with everyone else who had done it. It seemed like such an All American thing to do. Kinda like joining the Army 5 years before!!

So I trained for 5 shifts and on the 6th shift they told me “sorry buddy, you’re not picking this up fast enough, we’re gonna have to let you go.” Holy crap! I just graduated from one of the best schools in the US and I wasn’t picking it up fast enough? That warm fuzzy feeling from before about the Ground dissipated rather quickly…

So here I was, 24 years old, no money, no job, and my Dad was wondering why he just paid an extortionist amount of money to Brandeis! Seems funny now… wasn’t funny then. I had been job searching for 2 months with nothing to shop but a pink slip from the Ground Round of all places!

To the rescue came a phone call from Total Technical saying that they wanted to bring me onboard! To say that I was pleased would be one hell of an understatement. Even the fact that they were offering $9.33/h with a 10k draw didn’t dampen my enthusiasm… I got in the door!!

Here Is Your Money-Back Guarantee

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high - traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!

Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!

2.     To Your Online Success,

Perk Up Your Smile — And Maybe Your Paycheck

There might be more truth than you think to the term "million-dollar smile." Research has found evidence of a possible connection between your appearance and how much is in your paycheck.

In a study released by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, researchers found that good-looking people tend to earn 5 percent more an hour than their less attractive cohorts.

Other studies suggest that a smile is a major factor in the overall impression a person makes on the job, during a job interview and in social situations outside the workplace.

Virtually all Americans say a smile is an important social asset, according to a study conducted for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, while 74 percent say an unattractive smile can hurt a person's chances for career success.

"A dentist from Philadelphia we trained had a patient who reported his income went up 27 percent the year after getting a smile makeover," said Dr. Bill Dickerson, founder of LVI Global, where dentists come from around the world to learn the latest aesthetic techniques.

A bright, genuine smile exudes confidence, strength and a willingness to open up to others. Conversely, if you are self-conscious about your smile, it might affect the way you carry yourself, the way you communicate with others and, ultimately, your job performance.

But the truth is, few people are born with perfect smiles. The fabulous smiles you see on TV and in magazines often are the results of cosmetic dentistry.

But you don't have to be rich and famous to have your own million-dollar smile. There are many options, from smile whitening to repairing, straightening or replacing teeth. Many procedures can be completed in two to three visits.

However, finding the best dentist to initiate the transformation is a major key to the process. It's important to choose a dentist who is trained specifically in the procedure you are seeking and keeps up with changes in the field, Dickerson said.

Life Coaching Career Advice – Finding The Career For You

There are several management training considerations when determining how to motivate people.

What do you want from them?

Whether you are trying to motivate someone to do more of something, stop doing something, or change something, most motivation is about behavioral change. This type of change is difficult for all of us.

How much do you want from them?

Whenever possible, you need to place a measurement on what you want from someone. This will help you determine and communicate your expectations. You also give the person the opportunity to measure performance while you monitor progress.

Understanding your expectations of people in the units of measurement can assist you in gauging the feasibility of your expectations.

Measurements of Expectations


Will the person have the appropriate amount of time available to meet goals?


If the measurement of success is money, rather than just setting a monetary goal such as:

Increasing profits by 5%

Reaching a higher sales volume per month

(x amount of dollars)

…breakdown the total dollar amount into units.


A warehouse and production manager with one hundred fifty employees under his supervision had seven employees that were habitually late to work. These employees were all team members on a production line, and held up production by ten to twenty minutes every day.

The manager did not like motivating from a negative stance, but tried reprimanding the employees.  Hs had no results. Then he changed their starting time from six o’clock a.m. to six thirty a.m.  The same seven employees began showing up at six forty to six fifty a.m. each day.

As these seven employees were all above average performers, the manager was not ready to terminate them just yet. He decided to crunch some numbers, and discovered that the delay in start time with other employees on the clock and idle and lost production time was costing the company more than seventy thousand dollars per years. He discussed this with all seven employees individually and posted a notice about the cost of tardiness.  He then began docking the pay of each employee who was late by twice their salaries for every minute behind.

Two of the seven employees immediately changed their behavior and became punctual.

Then after a week, he announced that all employees on any team would be docked for any member not present at the start of the shift.

Four of the remaining five employees stopped showing up late. The remaining employee was eventually terminated.

So in this case some employees were motivated by money, some by peer pressure, and one was not interested.

Here is a secret about motivating people: If the person does not want to change, chances are you will not be able to change them. So the trick is finding what will motivate someone to want to change their behavior.

While planning for success with each person you manage or desire to motivate, you must also determine each person’s point of no return. This is the point when the person is not changing and the energy, time, and money are no longer worth the investment. This was the case in the preceding analogy with the final employee being terminated.  Implementing any more programs specifically for this last person of the group of seven simply was no longer economically feasible. In addition, the behavior of this employee could have a detrimental effect on other employees. After all, if he was allowed to remain employed while ignoring the rules, why maybe there would be no consequences for any of them.

Unfortunately, many people are motivated only by the fear of negative consequences.  This forces a manager to become a disciplinarian.

Why does this person need motivation?

What has worked to motivate this person in the past?


Make sure people have the tools necessary for the projects you assign.


Is this person going to be dependent on the performance of others to meet his or her goals?

In addition, you will be able to better comprehend what you are asking of someone. If the change is difficult, you might want to break down your expectations into units. Your expectations could be difficult because of time restraints,

What do you want from them?

What position do they hold?

Employee Recognition

An important, yet often overlooked, piece of people management is employee recognition and this should be covered in al management training programmes  By rewarding employees for important outcomes that they create for your organization, you are reinforcing actions and behaviors that you want to see not only that person, but other people within your organization repeat multiple times.  Employee recognition is not just a way to show your employees that you’re a nice guy – it is a way to encourage behavior that is advantageous to your company’s success.

In addition, employees who feel that their employers truly care about them and their well-being will produce better results.  In fact, studies have shown that praise from a supervisor ranks higher than money, benefits, or events in conveying that a company values its employees.  Recognizing an employee for work well done is also paramount to retaining that employee.

Employee recognition has been shown to improve communication, productivity, and the workplace environment.  Employees are more motivated to produce desirable outcomes and their motivation influences their colleagues to do the same.  Happier employees also tend to produce happier customers.  Therefore, recognition of a single action of a single employee can have far-reaching benefits.

An effective recognition system will be simple, immediate, and powerful.  All employees should be eligible for recognition.  Communication should be such that everybody understands what specific actions are being recognized.  This communication could take place via a company newsletter, an email announcement, or at a staff meeting.  Never use a reward system in which the recipients are chosen by those higher up the ladder.  These systems end up being viewed as “favoritism” or they become ineffective because employees believe that ‘everybody will get their turn eventually”.

Recognition can be accomplished in a multitude of ways.  Of course, an employee can be verbally signaled out in front of his or her peers.  A letter of recognition may be written and placed in the employee’s file.  A manager might write a personal note and could accompany the note with a gift.  Popular choices for employee recognition gifts are motivational posters, engraved items, gift baskets, organizational logo merchandise, and gift certificates.

Most people get out of bed every day, fight traffic, and report to work because they need money. They don’t necessarily like their jobs. This is the reason more money is not always a motivator for many of these people. Getting more money does not change anything, they still have to get out of bed every morning and go to work.

This is why you’ve got to find out what other factors will motivate your employees. How can you get them to perform better? Some people are motivated by recognition.

Recognition – Awards or Rewards?

There are almost as many ways to keep employees happy and productive as there are employees. But recognizing employees and their efforts will go a long way with most of them. How can you recognize employees and show your appreciation?

While some people are satisfied with as little as a ‘thank you’ or ‘good job’ pat on the back, still others respond to monetary tokens of appreciation.

Recognizing employee accomplishments and dedication in a group setting with a gift card will serve two benefits. The employee will have the acknowledgement of coworkers and the employee will have a moment of private responsiveness when using the gift card.  Some employers like magazine subscriptions as gifts. This is a great reward. If the magazine is relevant to an interest of the employee, they feel personal recognition as the employer or manager put some thought into the gift.  In addition, the employee will be reminded again of this appreciation each month when the magazine arrives.

Be careful not to create only competitive reward programs. This can actually backfire and cause negative feelings among people who feel left out and begin a cycle of blame as they attempt to dismiss their lack of recognition.

Awards can be personally engraved plagues of recognition for employee of the month, salesperson of the month, good attendance, punctuality, years of service, effort above and beyond the call of duty, or simply job well done.

So there are awards and rewards for appreciating employees in the hopes of motivating them, and there are awards and rewards at the end of successful projects or when goals are reached.

If you are announcing an award or reward as a carrot to encourage performance, make sure the criteria is clear and the goal attainable.

Coal May Be the Energy Of the Future

What will be the dominant energy source in the future? Trends are indicating that much of our energy in the future will come from a source you are already familiar with - coal.

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts, the consumption of coal worldwide will climb by almost 50 percent during the next 24 years.

In fact, coal may become an important source of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the crucial element in the fuel cells that are now beginning to be used in transportation. These fuel cells will also be a part of all types of power for years to come. They work like a battery, but they do not run down or need recharging. In addition these cells have far lower emissions than any combustion process.

Why is coal in high demand? Current supplies of coal could last the world at least two or three centuries, making it the most abundant energy source. Coal is found all over the world, and of all energy sources, coal is one of the most economical. Human beings have used coal as an energy source throughout their existence.

But unfortunately, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. So what are coal's major drawbacks?

The only real drawback with coal is its environmental impact. Thankfully, research and new technology are making coal significantly cleaner and better for the environment.

Sulfur dioxide emission rates for U.S. coal-based power plants were cut by more than 75 percent between 1970 and 2000. In addition, nitrous oxide emission rates were cut in half. Mercury emissions from power generation have now been controlled. And soon the emission of greenhouse gases due to coal will be drastically lowered.

Quest Minerals and Mining Corp. (OTC BB: QMMG.OB), is currently acquiring and reopening properties in the southeastern United States that produce clean-burning coal in compliance with Clean Air Act requirements.

Home Business Opportunities: Where Marketing is King

Whether you're ready to give up the 9-to-5 grind and be your own boss, or whether you're looking for a second income, there are many home business opportunities available today. The widest variety - and some would say most lucrative - income opportunities are found on the Internet. Likewise, the home based business is increasingly based entirely upon online marketing, advertising, networking, and sales. In other words, you never have to leave the comfort of your own home in order to successfully achieve your financial goals.

The Heart of Home Business Opportunities

But at the heart of most of these business opportunities is the MLM, or multi-level marketing approach. An MLM involves what's called an "upline" and a "downline." Your upline consists of the person who introduced you to the home business opportunity (and the person who introduced him or her, and so forth), while your downline consists of the people to whom you introduce to the opportunity (as well as the people to whom they introduce the opportunity, and so forth). In a nutshell, part of the income you generate is paid to your upline, while part of the income your downline generates is paid to you and to your upline.

The success you achieve in an MLM is largely dependent upon your marketing and advertising ability, as well as your ability to close sales. In essence, it's a numbers game. You need a critical mass of leads in order to close enough sales to produce a profit, and to create the downline you need in order to receive passive income from their sales.

Home Business Opportunities that Work FOR You

The traditional MLM involved holding house parties, selling products, and convincing other people to sign up for the home business opportunity. Many people have tried any number of these income opportunities and failed. Why? Because most people aren't natural salespeople, and they have a limited number of contacts. They simply don't have access to the numbers of people necessary to create the substantial downline that's needed to generate residual income.

The new wave of MLMs, however, are Internet based and don't require stocking inventory, holding house parties, or wearing out your welcome with family and friends in an attempt to convince them to buy products or hold parties. Instead, these new home business opportunities utilize the power of the Internet to draw prospective downline members to you. In other words, these are income opportunities that work for you, and that give you an advantage over traditional MLMs.

The Secret to Success

Online home business opportunities utilize the strengths of the Internet. A good opportunity will, for example, give you the tools you need to accomplish the marketing and advertising aspects of your business - without ever having to test the goodwill of your circle of acquaintances. You may, for example, have your own website to which you can drive traffic. An Internet traffic generator can send thousands - or hundreds of thousands - of prospective downline members to your site.

Traditional MLMs fail for many people because we have a hard time closing the sale. In contrast, the new wave of home business opportunities employs a call centre to close all of your prospects for you.

Similarly, Internet-based home business opportunities will often have an expensive means (such as an e-book) of teaching you everything you need to know about harnessing the power of the Internet to achieve your financial goals. This information is invaluable for both the business opportunity you sign up for and for future endeavors.

A home business can provide you with freedom on so many levels - time, money, satisfaction - that it simply makes sense to avail yourself of the new wave of Internet income opportunities.

Plan for Your Future with Home Business Opportunities

If you would like to earn an additional income from home or start your own home based business, there are many home business opportunities available online. You can plan for your future with a home business without losing precious time with your family or spending most of your salary on high gasoline bills and car maintenance costs.

Future Savings

Perhaps you're planning to save a little extra money each month for a future goal - a new car, a new home, college, or retirement. These are great goals and require planning to have successful results; however, working a 9-to-5 job doesn't always provide enough extra income for savings. Most people barely get by on their salaries after paying out for personal monthly bills, groceries, car payments, house payments, daycare, and other expenses.

With online home business opportunities, you might earn a few extra hundred dollars per month or even per week with some businesses. Even $100 per week would add up to a savings of $5,200 per year! It can add up quickly.

Which Home Business Opportunities are Legitimate?

There is a great concern today about which home-based business opportunity is legitimate. Fortunately, you can do a little research and learn from others' experience online. There are many people just like you that are earning a lucrative income on the Web. People make money on the Internet with a variety of talents and interests. They all have one thing in common. They focus on their goals and plan to succeed.

To find legitimate home based business opportunities, you should first check with several reputable job sites. There are websites dedicated to providing a legitimate list of work at home jobs. You may even be required to invest a small amount of money to gain access to their job listings. But before you pay, check out the site through the search engines. Search for the company name to see if other people are talking about them (in a good or bad sense). You'll be surprised at how many people will chat about their experiences with business opportunities in discussion forums and chat rooms.

Multiple Streams of Income for the Future

Another way to build a future with a home business is to create multiple streams of income. You can try several home business opportunities that all flow together. If you stick with related jobs, you'll find it much easier. For instance, operating a drop shipping website that sells candles and a separate gift website might be beneficial because they complement one another. You can operate them separately, but the two are so similar that they can both be promoted using the same methods.

On the other hand, if you try to start an electronics website along with the candle business, you'll find out quickly that it's too scattered - no focus! You'll be working all hours of the day and accomplishing very little.

The key to success with multiple home business opportunities is to be sure they fit together like a glove so you can keep your focus. Once established, you can use these multiple income sources to save for future plans or to quit your day job and work full-time online from home. It's up to you!

Investing for the Future

If you have plans for long-term savings, consider placing your money in an IRA or bonds to earn interest. These will usually earn more interest than a regular savings account but are not as risky as stocks. Also, your IRA will offer many tax benefits. Saving for the short-term is often more difficult because you have easy access to the money at all times. You can create a special bank account for that specific purpose so you won't be tempted with it each time you open your checkbook!

Start developing a plan today.  The right home business opportunity can offer a bright future for you and your family.

Home Business Owner’s Guide to the Free Money Making Opportunity

A home based business must be built on a solid foundation to succeed. When you hear the words "free money making opportunity" you might think it's too good to be true. But in reality, there are many legitimate free money making opportunities that enable you to sign on for free and earn a profitable income from your efforts.

Keep in mind that when a program is free to join, this doesn't automatically mean a free ride. It means you don't have to sign up with a fee to sell their products or their money making opportunities. You can become a promoter of their offer without paying to join. This differs from many network marketing opportunities in which you must pay to be a member or pay to promote their products.

Key Elements of a Free Money Making Opportunity

The key elements to look for in a free money making opportunity are: it's absolutely free to join with no fee now or later; it's a program with a reputable company with a good track record on payments and customer service; it's something you can easily incorporate in your daily schedule and still earn money online. The opportunity should allow flexibility but should also have set guidelines that are explained clearly up front. These guidelines are meant to help you understand the system and know your limitations in promoting their products.

Types of Free Money Making Opportunities

There are many different ways to make money on the Internet. If you have an existing Web business, you might consider selling advertising on your website. Some types of advertising opportunities include contextual ads (such as Yahoo Content Publishing or Google AdSense), banner advertising, e-zine advertising, or pay-per-play ad slots (ads heard on your site, but not seen - for branding companies). With this type of Internet business, you'll earn website money every time you receive a visitor or click through on your site. The more targeted traffic you have, the more you'll earn.

There are also affiliate programs in which you earn money for promoting someone else's products or services from your website. Some programs will set up a website for you so all you'll have to do is promote the Web address they give you. But beware of programs that offer duplicate sites to hundreds or thousands of affiliates. This could hinder your promotions because the competition will be very heavy.

How to Earn Money on the Internet

With a free money making opportunity, your monetary risks are minimal. You'll want to focus on how to promote the business effectively while spending the least amount of money on advertising. Once you find a great business or advertising venue, do research on promotion methods. Some of the most popular are paid searches through major search engines, banner or e-zine advertising, online auctions, article ads, online malls, traffic exchanges, pop-up advertising, and press releases. Test each avenue to find the ones that are effective for your particular business. And remember, no two Internet businesses will be the same.

Once you find some promotional methods that work, then start finding ways to earn a residual income from your efforts. Residual income might come in the form of advertising on your site where you receive monthly checks, affiliate programs that pay over and over for the same customer, or even opportunities where you can earn a lifetime monthly, quarterly, or yearly commission as long as the customer remains with the company.

With a free money making opportunity, you can sign up without worries of losing an initial investment. So start searching online today for that perfect home based business!